Class ChunkEvent.Load

Enclosing class:

public static class ChunkEvent.Load extends ChunkEvent
ChunkEvent.Load is fired when vanilla Minecraft attempts to load a Chunk into the level.
This event is fired during chunk loading in
Note: This event may be called before the underlying LevelChunk is promoted to ChunkStatus.FULL. You will cause chunk loading deadlocks if you don't delay your level interactions.

This event is not ICancellableEvent.

This event does not have a result. Event.HasResult

This event is fired on the NeoForge.EVENT_BUS.
  • Field Details

    • newChunk

      private final boolean newChunk
  • Constructor Details

    • Load

      @Internal public Load(ChunkAccess chunk, boolean newChunk)
  • Method Details

    • isNewChunk

      public boolean isNewChunk()
      Check whether the Chunk is newly generated, and being loaded for the first time.

      Will only ever return true on the logical server.

      whether the Chunk is newly generated