Interface IClientBlockExtensions

public interface IClientBlockExtensions
Client-only extensions to Block.
See Also:
  • Field Details

  • Method Details

    • of

    • of

      static IClientBlockExtensions of(Block block)
    • addHitEffects

      default boolean addHitEffects(BlockState state, Level level, HitResult target, ParticleEngine manager)
      Spawn a digging particle effect in the level, this is a wrapper around EffectRenderer.addBlockHitEffects to allow the block more control over the particles. Useful when you have entirely different texture sheets for different sides/locations in the level.
      state - The current state
      level - The current level
      target - The target the player is looking at {x/y/z/side/sub}
      manager - A reference to the current particle manager.
      True to prevent vanilla digging particles form spawning.
    • addDestroyEffects

      default boolean addDestroyEffects(BlockState state, Level Level, BlockPos pos, ParticleEngine manager)
      Spawn particles for when the block is destroyed. Due to the nature of how this is invoked, the x/y/z locations are not always guaranteed to host your block. So be sure to do proper sanity checks before assuming that the location is this block.
      Level - The current Level
      pos - Position to spawn the particle
      manager - A reference to the current particle manager.
      True to prevent vanilla break particles from spawning.
    • playBreakSound

      default boolean playBreakSound(BlockState state, Level level, BlockPos pos)
      Play breaking sound(s) when the block is destroyed. This allows playing sounds dependent on BE data as it is called before the block and BE are actually removed on the client.
      state - The current state
      level - The current level
      pos - The position of the block
      True to prevent vanilla break sounds from playing
    • getFogColor

      default org.joml.Vector3d getFogColor(BlockState state, LevelReader level, BlockPos pos, Entity entity, org.joml.Vector3d originalColor, float partialTick)

      Use this to change the fog color used when the entity is "inside" a material. Vec3d is used here as "r/g/b" 0 - 1 values.

      level - The level.
      pos - The position at the entity viewport.
      state - The state at the entity viewport.
      entity - the entity
      originalColor - The current fog color, You are not expected to use this, Return as the default if applicable.
      The new fog color.
    • areBreakingParticlesTinted

      default boolean areBreakingParticlesTinted(BlockState state, ClientLevel level, BlockPos pos)
      Returns true if the breaking particles created from the BlockState passed should be tinted with biome colors.
      state - The state of this block
      level - The level the particles are spawning in
      pos - The position of the block
      true if the particles should be tinted.