Class BlockEvent.EntityMultiPlaceEvent

All Implemented Interfaces:
Enclosing class:

public static class BlockEvent.EntityMultiPlaceEvent extends BlockEvent.EntityPlaceEvent implements net.neoforged.bus.api.ICancellableEvent
Fired when a single block placement triggers the creation of multiple blocks(e.g. placing a bed block). The block returned by BlockEvent.state and its related methods is the block where the placed block would exist if the placement only affected a single block.
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • EntityMultiPlaceEvent

      public EntityMultiPlaceEvent(@NotNull @NotNull List<BlockSnapshot> blockSnapshots, @NotNull @NotNull BlockState placedAgainst, @Nullable @Nullable Entity entity)
  • Method Details

    • getReplacedBlockSnapshots

      public List<BlockSnapshot> getReplacedBlockSnapshots()
      Gets a list of BlockSnapshots for all blocks which were replaced by the placement of the new blocks. Most of these blocks will just be of type AIR.
      immutable list of replaced BlockSnapshots