Class RenderLivingEvent.Pre<T extends LivingEntity,M extends EntityModel<T>>

Type Parameters:
T - the living entity that is being rendered
M - the model for the living entity
All Implemented Interfaces:
Enclosing class:
RenderLivingEvent<T extends LivingEntity,M extends EntityModel<T>>

public static class RenderLivingEvent.Pre<T extends LivingEntity,M extends EntityModel<T>> extends RenderLivingEvent<T,M> implements net.neoforged.bus.api.ICancellableEvent
Fired before an entity is rendered. This can be used to render additional effects or suppress rendering.

This event is cancelable, and does not have a result. If this event is cancelled, then the entity will not be rendered and the corresponding RenderLivingEvent.Post will not be fired.

This event is fired on the main Forge event bus, only on the logical client.