Class BlockGeometryBakingContext

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class BlockGeometryBakingContext extends Object implements IGeometryBakingContext
A geometry baking context that is bound to a BlockModel.

Users should not be instantiating this themselves.

  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • BlockGeometryBakingContext

      @Internal public BlockGeometryBakingContext(BlockModel owner)
  • Method Details

    • getModelName

      public String getModelName()
      Description copied from interface: IGeometryBakingContext
      Returns the name of the model being baked for logging and caching purposes..
      Specified by:
      getModelName in interface IGeometryBakingContext
      the name of the model being baked for logging and caching purposes.
    • hasCustomGeometry

      public boolean hasCustomGeometry()
    • getCustomGeometry

      @Nullable public @Nullable IUnbakedGeometry<?> getCustomGeometry()
    • setCustomGeometry

      public void setCustomGeometry(IUnbakedGeometry<?> geometry)
    • isComponentVisible

      public boolean isComponentVisible(String part, boolean fallback)
      Description copied from interface: IGeometryBakingContext
      Queries the visibility of a component of this model.
      Specified by:
      isComponentVisible in interface IGeometryBakingContext
      part - The component for which to query visibility
      fallback - The default visibility if an override isn't found
      The visibility of the component
    • hasMaterial

      public boolean hasMaterial(String name)
      Description copied from interface: IGeometryBakingContext
      Checks if a material is present in the model.
      Specified by:
      hasMaterial in interface IGeometryBakingContext
      name - The name of the material
      true if the material is present, false otherwise
    • getMaterial

      public Material getMaterial(String name)
      Description copied from interface: IGeometryBakingContext
      Resolves the final texture name, taking into account texture aliases and replacements.
      Specified by:
      getMaterial in interface IGeometryBakingContext
      name - The name of the material
      The material, or the missing texture if not found
    • isGui3d

      public boolean isGui3d()
      Description copied from interface: IGeometryBakingContext
      Returns true if this model should render in 3D in a GUI, false otherwise.
      Specified by:
      isGui3d in interface IGeometryBakingContext
      true if this model should render in 3D in a GUI, false otherwise
    • useBlockLight

      public boolean useBlockLight()
      Description copied from interface: IGeometryBakingContext
      Returns true if block lighting should be used for this model, false otherwise.
      Specified by:
      useBlockLight in interface IGeometryBakingContext
      true if block lighting should be used for this model, false otherwise
    • useAmbientOcclusion

      public boolean useAmbientOcclusion()
      Description copied from interface: IGeometryBakingContext
      Returns true if per-vertex ambient occlusion should be used for this model, false otherwise.
      Specified by:
      useAmbientOcclusion in interface IGeometryBakingContext
      true if per-vertex ambient occlusion should be used for this model, false otherwise
    • getTransforms

      public ItemTransforms getTransforms()
      Description copied from interface: IGeometryBakingContext
      Returns the transforms for display in item form..
      Specified by:
      getTransforms in interface IGeometryBakingContext
      the transforms for display in item form.
    • getRootTransform

      public Transformation getRootTransform()
      Description copied from interface: IGeometryBakingContext
      Returns the root transformation to be applied to all variants of this model, regardless of item transforms..
      Specified by:
      getRootTransform in interface IGeometryBakingContext
      the root transformation to be applied to all variants of this model, regardless of item transforms.
    • setRootTransform

      public void setRootTransform(Transformation rootTransform)
    • getRenderTypeHint

      @Nullable public @Nullable ResourceLocation getRenderTypeHint()
      Description copied from interface: IGeometryBakingContext
      Returns a hint of the render type this model should use. Custom loaders may ignore this..
      Specified by:
      getRenderTypeHint in interface IGeometryBakingContext
      a hint of the render type this model should use. Custom loaders may ignore this.
    • setRenderTypeHint

      public void setRenderTypeHint(ResourceLocation renderTypeHint)
    • setGui3d

      public void setGui3d(boolean gui3d)
    • copyFrom

      public void copyFrom(BlockGeometryBakingContext other)
    • bake

      public BakedModel bake(ModelBaker baker, Function<Material,TextureAtlasSprite> bakedTextureGetter, ModelState modelTransform, ItemOverrides overrides)