Class LivingMakeBrainEvent


public class LivingMakeBrainEvent extends LivingEvent
LivingMakeBrainEvent is fired whenever a new Brain instance is created using LivingEntity.makeBrain(Dynamic).

To access the internal BrainBuilder, call getTypedBrainBuilder(LivingEntity) using the downcasted LivingEntity obtained from LivingEvent.getEntity().

The BrainBuilder will initially contain all the state found in the original Brain instance.

After this event is posted, a fresh Brain instance will be created using the encapsulated state found in the BrainBuilder and replace the previously created Brain instance for the entity.

This event is fired via the ForgeHooks.onLivingMakeBrain(LivingEntity, Brain, Dynamic).

This event is not Cancelable.

This event does not have a result. Event.HasResult

This event is fired on the MinecraftForge.EVENT_BUS.
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