Interface IMenuProviderExtension

All Known Subinterfaces:
ContainerEntity, MenuProvider
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractFurnaceBlockEntity, AbstractMinecartContainer, BarrelBlockEntity, BaseContainerBlockEntity, BeaconBlockEntity, BlastFurnaceBlockEntity, BrewingStandBlockEntity, ChestBlockEntity, ChestBoat, CrafterBlockEntity, DispenserBlockEntity, DropperBlockEntity, FurnaceBlockEntity, HopperBlockEntity, LecternBlockEntity, MinecartChest, MinecartHopper, RandomizableContainerBlockEntity, ShulkerBoxBlockEntity, SimpleMenuProvider, SmokerBlockEntity, TrappedChestBlockEntity

public interface IMenuProviderExtension
Extension type for the MenuProvider interface.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    default boolean
    Returns true if the existing container should be closed on the client side when opening a new one, false otherwise.
  • Method Details

    • shouldTriggerClientSideContainerClosingOnOpen

      default boolean shouldTriggerClientSideContainerClosingOnOpen()
      Returns true if the existing container should be closed on the client side when opening a new one, false otherwise.
      true if the existing container should be closed on the client side when opening a new one, false otherwise
      Implementation Note:
      Returning false prevents the mouse from being (re-)centered when opening a new container.