Class PlayerSpawnPhantomsEvent

public class PlayerSpawnPhantomsEvent extends PlayerEvent
This event is fired from PhantomSpawner.tick(net.minecraft.server.level.ServerLevel, boolean, boolean), once per player, when phantoms would attempt to be spawned.
This event is not fired for spectating players.

This event is fired before any per-player checks (but after Player.isSpectator()), but after all global checks.
The behavior of PhantomSpawner is determined by the result of this event.
See setResult(net.neoforged.bus.api.Event.Result) for documentation.

This event is fired on the NeoForge.EVENT_BUS.

See Also:
  • Field Details

    • phantomsToSpawn

      private int phantomsToSpawn
  • Constructor Details

    • PlayerSpawnPhantomsEvent

      public PlayerSpawnPhantomsEvent(Player player, int phantomsToSpawn)
  • Method Details

    • getPhantomsToSpawn

      public int getPhantomsToSpawn()
      How many phantoms will be spawned, if spawning is successful. The default value is randomly generated.
    • setPhantomsToSpawn

      public void setPhantomsToSpawn(int phantomsToSpawn)
      Sets the number of phantoms to be spawned.
      phantomsToSpawn - How many phantoms should spawn, given checks are passed.
    • setResult

      public void setResult(@NotNull net.neoforged.bus.api.Event.Result result)
      The result of this event controls if phantoms will be spawned.
      • If the result is Event.Result.ALLOW, phantoms will always be spawned;
      • If the result is Event.Result.DENY, phantoms will never be spawned;
      • If the result is Event.Result.DEFAULT, vanilla checks will be run to determine if the spawn may occur.
      setResult in class net.neoforged.bus.api.Event