Interface IMobEffectInstanceExtension

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface IMobEffectInstanceExtension
  • Method Details

    • getCurativeItems

      List<ItemStack> getCurativeItems()
      Returns a list of curative items for the potion effect By default, this list is initialized using IMobEffectExtension.getCurativeItems()
      The list (ItemStack) of curative items for the potion effect
    • isCurativeItem

      default boolean isCurativeItem(ItemStack stack)
      Checks the given ItemStack to see if it is in the list of curative items for the potion effect
      stack - The ItemStack being checked against the list of curative items for this PotionEffect
      true if the given ItemStack is in the list of curative items for this PotionEffect, false otherwise
    • setCurativeItems

      void setCurativeItems(List<ItemStack> curativeItems)
      Sets the list of curative items for this potion effect, overwriting any already present
      curativeItems - The list of ItemStacks being set to the potion effect
    • addCurativeItem

      default void addCurativeItem(ItemStack stack)
      Adds the given stack to the list of curative items for this PotionEffect
      stack - The ItemStack being added to the curative item list
    • writeCurativeItems

      default void writeCurativeItems(CompoundTag nbt)