Class GuiOverlayManager


public final class GuiOverlayManager extends Object
Manager for HUD overlays.

Provides a lookup by ID, as well as all registered overlays.

  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • GuiOverlayManager

      private GuiOverlayManager()
  • Method Details

    • getOverlays

      public static<NamedGuiOverlay> getOverlays()
      Retrieves an ordered list of all registered overlays.
    • findOverlay

      @Nullable public static @Nullable NamedGuiOverlay findOverlay(ResourceLocation id)
      Finds the overlay corresponding to a given ID. Do not call this before RegisterGuiOverlaysEvent has finished firing.
    • init

      @Internal public static void init()
    • preRegisterVanillaOverlays

      private static void preRegisterVanillaOverlays(HashMap<ResourceLocation,IGuiOverlay> overlays, ArrayList<ResourceLocation> orderedOverlays)
      Pre-registers vanilla overlays so they are available for ordering.
    • assignVanillaOverlayTypes

      private static void assignVanillaOverlayTypes()