Class CrashReportAnalyser


public final class CrashReportAnalyser extends Object
  • Field Details

    • LOGGER

      private static final org.slf4j.Logger LOGGER

      private static final Map<String,net.minecraftforge.forgespi.language.IModInfo> PACKAGE_MOD_CACHE

      private static final Map<net.minecraftforge.forgespi.language.IModInfo,String[]> SUSPECTED_MODS
  • Constructor Details

    • CrashReportAnalyser

      private CrashReportAnalyser()
  • Method Details

    • appendSuspectedMods

      public static String appendSuspectedMods(Throwable throwable, StackTraceElement[] uncategorizedStackTrace)
      Tries to cache, analyze and append the suspected mods for this crash to the crash report.
    • analyseCrashReport

      private static void analyseCrashReport(Throwable throwable, StackTraceElement[] uncategorizedStackTrace)
      Tries to analyze the given exception and uncategorized stacktrace of the crash report. It checks the stacktrace for any occurrence of the package names cached in the PACKAGE_MOD_CACHE, including mixin classes.
    • buildSuspectedModsSection

      private static void buildSuspectedModsSection(StringBuilder stringBuilder)
      Converts the suspected mod(s) for this crash to a String to be added to the crash report, including the mods name, its id, version and an issues link if available, as well as the position where the exception occurred (either the stacktrace element or the mixin class and its target(s))
    • scanThrowable

      private static void scanThrowable(Throwable throwable)
      Checks the stacktrace of the given throwable and all its children for any occurrence of the package names cached in the PACKAGE_MOD_CACHE, including mixin classes.
    • scanStacktrace

      private static void scanStacktrace(StackTraceElement[] stackTrace)
      Checks the given stacktrace for any occurrence of the package names cached in the PACKAGE_MOD_CACHE, including mixin classes.
    • cacheModList

      private static void cacheModList()
      Iterates over all loaded mods, resolving and caching their package names with the corresponding IModInfo.
    • identifyByClass

      private static void identifyByClass(StackTraceElement stackTraceElement)
    • identifyByMixins

      private static void identifyByMixins(StackTraceElement stackTraceElement)
    • blameIfPresent

      private static void blameIfPresent(StackTraceElement stackTraceElement)
    • blameIfPresent

      private static void blameIfPresent(String className, String... position)
    • findMatchingPackage

      @Nullable private static String findMatchingPackage(String className)
      Checks if the beginning of the given class name is contained in the PACKAGE_MOD_CACHE
      the package name of the class or null if it is not present in the cache
    • findMixinMerged

      @Nullable private static org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.transformer.meta.MixinMerged findMixinMerged(StackTraceElement element)
    • getMixinInfo

      @Nullable private static org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.extensibility.IMixinInfo getMixinInfo(StackTraceElement element)
      Tries to identify any applied mixin for the class and method provided by the stacktrace element.
      element - the stacktrace element to check
      the IMixinInfo for the class and method or null if there is no mixin applied at this position