Interface IForgeMobEffect

All Known Implementing Classes:
AbsorptionMobEffect, BadOmenMobEffect, HealOrHarmMobEffect, HungerMobEffect, InstantenousMobEffect, MobEffect, PoisonMobEffect, RegenerationMobEffect, SaturationMobEffect, WitherMobEffect

public interface IForgeMobEffect
  • Method Details

    • self

      private MobEffect self()
    • getCurativeItems

      default List<ItemStack> getCurativeItems()
      Get a fresh list of items that can cure this Potion. All new PotionEffects created from this Potion will call this to initialize the default curative items
      A list of items that can cure this Potion
      See Also:
    • getSortOrder

      default int getSortOrder(MobEffectInstance effectInstance)
      Used for determining PotionEffect sort order in GUIs. Defaults to the PotionEffect's liquid color.
      effectInstance - the PotionEffect instance containing the potion
      a value used to sort PotionEffects in GUIs