Class BrewingRecipe

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class BrewingRecipe extends Object implements IBrewingRecipe
  • Field Details

    • input

      @NotNull private final @NotNull Ingredient input
    • ingredient

      @NotNull private final @NotNull Ingredient ingredient
    • output

      @NotNull private final @NotNull ItemStack output
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • isInput

      public boolean isInput(@NotNull @NotNull ItemStack stack)
      Description copied from interface: IBrewingRecipe
      Returns true is the passed ItemStack is an input for this recipe. "Input" being the item that goes in one of the three bottom slots of the brewing stand (e.g: water bottle)
      Specified by:
      isInput in interface IBrewingRecipe
    • getOutput

      public ItemStack getOutput(ItemStack input, ItemStack ingredient)
      Description copied from interface: IBrewingRecipe
      Returns the output when the passed input is brewed with the passed ingredient. Empty if invalid input or ingredient.
      Specified by:
      getOutput in interface IBrewingRecipe
    • getInput

      public Ingredient getInput()
    • getIngredient

      public Ingredient getIngredient()
    • getOutput

      public ItemStack getOutput()
    • isIngredient

      public boolean isIngredient(ItemStack ingredient)
      Description copied from interface: IBrewingRecipe
      Returns true if the passed ItemStack is an ingredient for this recipe. "Ingredient" being the item that goes in the top slot of the brewing stand (e.g: nether wart)
      Specified by:
      isIngredient in interface IBrewingRecipe