Annotation Interface GameTestHolder

@Retention(RUNTIME) @Target(TYPE) public @interface GameTestHolder
Marks a class as containing game tests that should be registered automatically. All methods annotated with GameTest or GameTestGenerator will be registered.
  • Optional Element Summary

    Optional Elements
    Modifier and Type
    Optional Element
    Used as the default namespace to use for templates for any game tests in the class.
    The default batch for all tests in this class that do not manually specify one.
  • Element Details

    • value

      String value
      The default batch for all tests in this class that do not manually specify one. It it recommended that this includes your mod id.
      This is also used when filtering out which batches to run during automation. the filters will be tested against the prefix of the batch name. So it is recommended to be structured in a logical fashion.
      The filter 'forge.global_loot_modifiers' would execute both the block_drops and tool_filter batches.

      This will default to your modid if it is on the same class that is annotated with @Mod

    • namespace

      String namespace
      Used as the default namespace to use for templates for any game tests in the class. Defaults to the modid if in a class with @Mod or else defaults to "minecraft"