Interface IModLoadingState

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface IModLoadingState
A mod loading state. During mod loading, the mod loader transitions between states in a defined sorted list of states, grouped into various phases.
See Also:
  • Method Details

    • name

      String name()
      Returns the name of this state.
      the name of this state
    • previous

      String previous()
      Returns the name of the state immediately previous to this state. This may be a blank name, which indicates this is either the first mod loading state or an exceptional mod loading state (such as a situation where errors prevent the loading process from continuing normally).
      the name of the state immediately previous to this state
    • phase

      Returns the mod loading phase this state belongs to. For exceptional mod loading states, this should be ModLoadingPhase.ERROR.
      the mod loading phase this state belongs to
    • message

      Function<ModList,String> message()
      Returns a function returning a human-friendly message for this state.
      a function returning a human-friendly message for this state
    • size

      a function that computes the size of this transition based on the size of the modlist. Used to compute progress.
    • inlineRunnable

      Optional<Consumer<ModList>> inlineRunnable()
      Returns an optional runnable, which runs before starting the transition from this state to the next.
      an optional runnable, which runs before starting the transition from this state to the next
      See Also:
    • buildTransition

      default <T extends net.minecraftforge.eventbus.api.Event & IModBusEvent> Optional<CompletableFuture<Void>> buildTransition(Executor syncExecutor, Executor parallelExecutor, ProgressMeter progressBar)
      Builds the transition task for this state with a blank pre-sync and post-sync task.
      Type Parameters:
      T - a type of event fired on the mod-specific event bus
      syncExecutor - a synchronous executor
      parallelExecutor - a parallel executor
      progressBar - a progress meter for tracking progress
      a transition task for this state
      See Also:
    • buildTransition

      <T extends net.minecraftforge.eventbus.api.Event & IModBusEvent> Optional<CompletableFuture<Void>> buildTransition(Executor syncExecutor, Executor parallelExecutor, ProgressMeter progressBar, Function<Executor,CompletableFuture<Void>> preSyncTask, Function<Executor,CompletableFuture<Void>> postSyncTask)
      Builds the transition task for this state. The pre-sync and post-sync task functions allow the transition builder to run these tasks on the same executor as the actual event dispatch and pre/post hooks.
      Type Parameters:
      T - a type of event fired on the mod-specific event bus
      syncExecutor - a synchronous executor
      parallelExecutor - a parallel executor
      progressBar - a progress meter for tracking progress
      preSyncTask - a function which returns a task to run before event pre-dispatch hook
      postSyncTask - a function which returns a task to run after event post-dispatch hook
      a transition task for this state