Class DisplayWindow

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class DisplayWindow extends Object implements ImmediateWindowProvider
The Loading Window that is opened Immediately after Forge starts. It is called from the ModDirTransformerDiscoverer, the soonest method that ModLauncher calls into Forge code. In this way, we can be sure that this will not run before any transformer or injection. The window itself is spun off into a secondary thread, and is handed off to the main game by Forge. Because it is created so early, this thread will "absorb" the context from OpenGL. Therefore, it is of utmost importance that the Context is made Current for the main thread before handoff, otherwise OS X will crash out. Based on the prior ClientVisualization, with some personal touches.
  • Field Details


      private static final int[][] GL_VERSIONS
    • LOGGER

      private static final org.slf4j.Logger LOGGER
    • animationTimerTrigger

      private final AtomicBoolean animationTimerTrigger
    • colourScheme

      private ColourScheme colourScheme
    • elementShader

      private ElementShader elementShader
    • context

    • elements

      private List<RenderElement> elements
    • framecount

      private int framecount
    • framebuffer

      private EarlyFramebuffer framebuffer
    • windowTick

      private ScheduledFuture<?> windowTick
    • performanceInfo

      private PerformanceInfo performanceInfo
    • performanceTick

      private ScheduledFuture<?> performanceTick
    • window

      private long window
    • renderScheduler

      private ScheduledExecutorService renderScheduler
    • fbWidth

      private int fbWidth
    • fbHeight

      private int fbHeight
    • fbScale

      private int fbScale
    • winWidth

      private int winWidth
    • winHeight

      private int winHeight
    • winX

      private int winX
    • winY

      private int winY
    • renderLock

      private final Semaphore renderLock
    • maximized

      private boolean maximized
    • glVersion

      private String glVersion
    • font

      private SimpleFont font
    • repaintTick

      private Runnable repaintTick

      private static final long MINFRAMETIME
    • nextFrameTime

      private long nextFrameTime

      private static final String ERROR_URL
      See Also:
    • loadingOverlay

      private Method loadingOverlay
  • Constructor Details

    • DisplayWindow

      public DisplayWindow()
  • Method Details

    • name

      public String name()
      Specified by:
      name in interface ImmediateWindowProvider
      The name of this window provider. Do NOT use fmlearlywindow.
    • initialize

      public Runnable initialize(String[] arguments)
      Description copied from interface: ImmediateWindowProvider
      This is called very early on to initialize ourselves. Use this to initialize the window and other GL core resources. One thing we want to ensure is that we try and create the highest GL_PROFILE we can accomplish. GLFW_CONTEXT_VERSION_MAJOR,GLFW_CONTEXT_VERSION_MINOR should be as high as possible on the created window, and it should have all the typical profile settings.
      Specified by:
      initialize in interface ImmediateWindowProvider
      arguments - The arguments provided to the Java process. This is the entire command line, so you can process stuff from it.
      A runnable that will be periodically ticked by FML during startup ON THE MAIN THREAD. This is usually a good place to put glfwPollEvents() tests.
    • renderThreadFunc

      private void renderThreadFunc()
      The main render loop. renderThread executes this. Performs initialization and then ticks the screen at 20 fps. When the thread is killed, context is destroyed.
    • initRender

      private void initRender(@Nullable @Nullable String mcVersion, String forgeVersion)
      Render initialization methods called by the Render Thread. It compiles the fragment and vertex shaders for rendering text with STB, and sets up basic render framework. Nothing fancy, we just want to draw and render text.
    • paintFramebuffer

      void paintFramebuffer()
      Called every frame by the Render Thread to draw to the screen.
    • render

      public void render(int alpha)
    • start

      public Runnable start(@Nullable @Nullable String mcVersion, String forgeVersion)
      Start the window and Render Thread; we're ready to go.
    • getGLVersion

      public String getGLVersion()
      Description copied from interface: ImmediateWindowProvider
      This is called to construct a ForgeFeature for the GL_VERSION we managed to create for the window. Should be a string of the format {MAJOR}.{MINOR}, such as 4.6, 4.5 or such.
      Specified by:
      getGLVersion in interface ImmediateWindowProvider
      the GL profile we created
    • crashElegantly

      private void crashElegantly(String errorDetails)
    • initWindow

      public void initWindow(@Nullable @Nullable String mcVersion)
      Called to initialize the window when preparing for the Render Thread. The act of calling glfwInit here creates a concurrency issue; GL doesn't know whether we're gonna call any GL functions from the secondary thread and the main thread at the same time. It's then our job to make sure this doesn't happen, only calling GL functions where the Context is Current. As long as we can verify that, then GL (and things like OS X) have no complaints with doing this.
      mcVersion - Minecraft Version
    • badWindowHandler

      private void badWindowHandler(int code, long desc)
    • winResize

      private void winResize(long window, int width, int height)
    • fbResize

      private void fbResize(long window, int width, int height)
    • winMove

      private void winMove(long window, int x, int y)
    • handleLastGLFWError

      private void handleLastGLFWError(BiConsumer<Integer,String> handler)
    • setupMinecraftWindow

      public long setupMinecraftWindow(IntSupplier width, IntSupplier height, Supplier<String> title, LongSupplier monitorSupplier)
      Hand-off the window to the vanilla game. Called on the main thread instead of the game's initialization.
      Specified by:
      setupMinecraftWindow in interface ImmediateWindowProvider
      width - This is the width of the window Mojang expects
      height - This is the height of the Window Mojang expects.
      title - This is the title for the window.
      monitorSupplier - This is the monitor it should appear on.
      the Window we own.
    • positionWindow

      public boolean positionWindow(Optional<Object> monitor, IntConsumer widthSetter, IntConsumer heightSetter, IntConsumer xSetter, IntConsumer ySetter)
      Description copied from interface: ImmediateWindowProvider
      This is called after window handoff to allow us to tell Mojang about our window's position. This might give a preferrable user experience to users, because we just tell Mojang our truth, rather than accept theirs.
      Specified by:
      positionWindow in interface ImmediateWindowProvider
      monitor - This is the monitor we're rendering on. Note that this is the Mojang monitor object. You might have trouble unwrapping it.
      widthSetter - This sets the width on the Mojang side
      heightSetter - This sets the height on the Mojang side
      xSetter - This sets the x coordinate on the Mojang side
      ySetter - This sets the y coordinate on the Mojang side
      true if you've handled the window positioning - this skips the "forced fullscreen" code until a later stage
    • updateFramebufferSize

      public void updateFramebufferSize(IntConsumer width, IntConsumer height)
      Description copied from interface: ImmediateWindowProvider
      This will be called during the handoff to minecraft to update minecraft with the size of the framebuffer we have. Generally won't be called because Minecraft figures it out for itself.
      Specified by:
      updateFramebufferSize in interface ImmediateWindowProvider
      width - Consumer of the framebuffer width
      height - Consumer of the framebuffer height
    • loadingOverlay

      public <T> Supplier<T> loadingOverlay(Supplier<?> mc, Supplier<?> ri, Consumer<Optional<Throwable>> ex, boolean fade)
      Description copied from interface: ImmediateWindowProvider
      Return a Supplier of an object extending the LoadingOverlay class from Mojang. This is what will be used once the Mojang window code has taken over rendering of the window, to render the later stages of the loading process.
      Specified by:
      loadingOverlay in interface ImmediateWindowProvider
      Type Parameters:
      T - This is the type LoadingOverlay to allow type binding on the Mojang side
      mc - This supplies the Minecraft object
      ri - This supplies the ReloadInstance object that tells us when the loading is finished
      ex - This Consumes the final state of the loading - if it's an error you pass it the Throwable, otherwise you pass Optional.empty()
      fade - This is the fade flag passed to LoadingOverlay. You probably want to ignore it.
      A supplier of your later LoadingOverlay screen.
    • updateModuleReads

      public void updateModuleReads(ModuleLayer layer)
      Description copied from interface: ImmediateWindowProvider
      This is called during the module loading process to allow us to find objects inside the GAME layer, such as a later loading screen.
      Specified by:
      updateModuleReads in interface ImmediateWindowProvider
      layer - This is the GAME layer from ModLauncher
    • getFramebufferTextureId

      public int getFramebufferTextureId()
    • context

      public RenderElement.DisplayContext context()
    • periodicTick

      public void periodicTick()
      Description copied from interface: ImmediateWindowProvider
      This is called periodically during the loading process to "tick" the window. It is typically the same as the Runnable from ImmediateWindowProvider.initialize(String[])
      Specified by:
      periodicTick in interface ImmediateWindowProvider
    • addMojangTexture

      public void addMojangTexture(int textureId)
    • close

      public void close()